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Pre-production Meeting Summary

The day and time of your pre-production meeting :

2021/2/15 19:00PM

Jiasheng(Leo) Zhu

  • host of the podcast, speaks in every segment

  • Speaks in segment 1, 3

Yi Jiang

  • Speaks in segment 1, 4

  • Identifies 3 images that can be used on microsite

Haoran Jiang

  • speaks in segment 2,3

  • edit final podcast and collecting possible resources might be used in the podcast.

Shiwei Hu

  • speaks in segments 2, 4

  • Edit the wix website.


Thor: a)He denied the identity that he was supposed to be.

b) Refusing family bonds by fighting with his sister.

Family bonds: His father told him that humans do not deserve the same social position with gods.

Captain Marvel: a) She represents an independent female superhero in marvel films.(related to the film itself: ability/military background)


Iron Man: a)Whether he should take revenge on Bucky when the world is in danger. (Is taking revenge supposed to be Iron Man’s responsibility as a son? /superhero? )

Identity struggle--relating to modern social recognition to males’ responsibility

As a son he is responsible to take revenge but as a superhero he has more important things to do.(save the world/disregarding hateness/save the world)

b) How should he deal with a relationship with Steve who hides the truth of his parents’ death?

Captain America:A responsible and reliable man at any time

a). Obey the rules and finish the orders when he was in the army. As a man and soldier doesn’t show his fear to anything, do what the leader asks to do.

b), In the Avengers team, he takes the responsibility. Always be the first one that fights against enemies and never give up whenever he could fight. He is always the last guy standing.

S3)Mascunulity (Emotional)

Iron Man: a) Regarding himself as a businessman and being toxic (disrespectful to female/ego/not such responsible)=> Accepting his several identities (Superhero/friends/father).

b) Selfish- only caring about himself even after becoming a superhero (before he dropped masculinity)==> contrasting with Captain America

Sacrifice- eagering to protect family/friends/world as a man without toxic masculinity. (after meeting his father and finally overcoming the demon in heart.)


S4)Female Marvel Superhero (Captain Marvel) -more related to film industry/audience experience/significance in reality

a.) first female hero to have its own background story

b.) successful in box office with more female audience

c.) role model for encouraging a large group of females on the correct value of women’s gender role.

Captain America: the perfect man character in the marvel film. Heavy influences males in society.

a). A male superhero that has all good qualities and almost no flaws and deficiencies.

b). The representative of a successful and powerful man type. Lead male audience to change into someone like him.

My to-do list:

  1. Finish the script for podcast

  2. Search for sources on the Internet that could be used during the recording

  3. Go through my script and make sure i could speak fluently

  4. Prepare the wix website

Our group will do our first time recording together on 2/17/2021 19:00PM

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