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Final Reflection

Throughout the quarter, this course teaches me a lot in reading, talking, and writing. This is my first entry level writing course, which gives me a new perspective and feeling of what writing should be in university is different with what I learned before. I believe the first thing I learned through this course is analysis articles. With the practice of reading, writing in many ways, my ability of analysis has been improved and got into a new level. Before, I have no idea how to academically analyze an article. After this course, I know that making annotations and understand what author tries to illustrate in specific point is an effective analysis. This will help me a lot for my future study because I could more effectively read those articles.

The second thing I learned is how to working with group members. I did my first group podcast assignment in this course, and I think that was a big challenge for me. I was not good at communicating with others because I could not illustrate my ideas and thoughts clearly. This assignment enables me to practice and improve this problem. Now, I know that the first thing to efficiently work with your groups is talking about your points during discussion, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The best group status is everyone makes contributions and combine them together. And that is what I am going to do in my future group projects.

Although I learned a lot from this course, I still have some problems to solve in the future. The first thing is time arrangement. Due to the pandemic, this course is taught online and everything are asynchronous, I made a really bad time arrangement. During my quarantine in China, I was unable to complete and submit my homework on time due to poor network connection. That makes me hard to catch up with the course. In next quarter, I should make more flexible and reasonable time arrangement to make sure I will not fall behind.

Another problem I believe I still have is writing. Writing is always my weakness throughout my study. I could hardly get ideas and organize them into full sentences. As a result, writing assignment always takes me a long time to finish. Indeed, this course has already changed me a lot in writing ability, but I think more practice and learning is necessary for me to meet college writing requirement. I hope I could meet the course objective that write prose that is readable, focused, and full of details.

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