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Looking Ahead


This is the first time I do a podcast, and I am really glad I could have this opportunity. Thanks to all my teammates, we had a really good time during the process, though there are some small mistakes or problems. I think I didn't make full preparation before recording. I didn't realize my poor network connectivity so that there will be some cut down during the recording. I believe this could be avoided if I could double-check before the meeting. Also, it would be better next time to Mindstorm together. We create our own ideas first then put them together, as a result, it took some time to combine and integrate.



I learned a lot from this group work. First and most important, I practice my skill of collaboration. I realize that getting ideas from others also could stimulate me, and everything could be finished easily with collaboration. Second, communication during collaboration is the most important thing. Without communicating with your group members and let them know what you are thinking, it will be difficult to finish the job. Since everyone has their ideas and they are all different at some points, combine them together then constructing a big idea is the best solution. Also, everyone needs to contribute.


Podcast to essay

Before I made this podcast, I was planning to write about the two most obvious qualities of Captain America, responsibility and leadership. However, I think these two points are too narrow and simple for an essay. After this podcast, it inspires me that I should add one point that Captain America's attitude toward's friendship. Summary them all together, and I come up with an idea that Captain America is a role model for modern males because he has good masculinity, which is responsible, has leadership, and values friendship.

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